Friday, December 12, 2014

Pick up lines that I encounter

Here is a list of pick up lines that I've heard and lets just say they didn't work. Have a good laugh at the luck of guys I get my way.

-Oh, I see your working and here I was going to hit on you. Its probably unprofessional if I do, so I guess I wont. Unless of course you want me to?

-The world is coming to an end. Come with me if you want to live. (My favorite)

-Hey, I'm a chef and I would love to feed you.

-Him: Hey, can I buy you a drink? (At a wedding)
Me: But the drinks here are free.
Him: Oh, right.

-Are those real? Wanna go out some time?

-(He's in high school) Boy I thought you were younger. Shoot! Well wanna get some ice cream some time any ways?

-You want to go to Hooters some time?

-Me: Nice to meet you (put out my hand to shake his)
Him: Wow your cold. Why don't you just stay right here and let me warm you up.

-I'd give my right arm to be able to hold you

-What plans do you have for New Years? Cuz I was thinking we could have our own little party together.

What horrible lines have you heard?

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