Friday, December 12, 2014

Being Needy

Females and Males have tendentious to be "Needy." However lets distinguish the reasoning behind this as well as whats acceptable and what isn't.

When someone is "needy" it typically because he or she really likes that significant other. Nothing wrong with that. However you need to know how to play it cool and what's crossing the boundaries so you don't come off as crazy.

Step one: Don't text too much
I know you want to know how he/she is doing throughout their day. You wish you had a spy cam strapped to their forehead just so you could watch their every move, but that's where you gotta draw the line and acknowledge you're being mentally crazy. You can't spy on a person, you can put a GPS tracker on them, and you defiantly cant storm up their phone with a ton of text messages and phone calls. So play it cool. Only send three messages a day. One to say good morning, one to say how was your day, and one to say have a good night. Now if the person doesn't respond to your messages then don't go crazy. They could be busy so be patient for them to replay and don't send any thing you may regret (photos). Just those three messages and it will hopefully be enough to start up a conversation. If they still don't reply to any of your messages, wait till the next day. Still nothing, then they aren't into you and you need to move on. Remember your investment is better spent on someone else rather then wasting it.

Step Two: Only see him twice a week
I know you want to see him more then this, but at the beginning your asking for too much. You need to give each other some space and time to consider if he/she is the one for you. Twice a week isn't too much to ask for and allows each other to still live their separate lives. This one will be a tough one to do, but over time he/she if interested will ask to see you more and more and then you can both be "needy" but on the same level.

Step Three: Give their Facebook some space
When posting on his/her Facebook remember to do this solemnly. Yes, it feels good to let the whole world know that you're thinking about him/her, but after a while its no longer as seen as cute but annoying. Only post on his/her page maybe once a month. Besides that may seem too much. Also avoid commenting on every one of his/her photos. Just do a few here and there, but every photo shows your stalking his/her page and you have too much time on your hands.

Step Four: Don't rush things
In your head you love this person and want everyone else to know him/her. However your significant other may not feel the same way back or at least not yet. So take things slow. Don't have him/her meet the family or friends until you've been seeing each other for at least 6 months. Trust me this will save the "I knew I didn't like him/her" responses from everyone else. Also allows you both to establish as a couple and know each other well enough to know if you're ready to make a commitment to one another. If you do this too early you may risk running that person away.

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