In this day and age texting has taken over all forms of communication. We lack in putting in the effort. What happened to writing people, emailing, calling, and in a sense the capability to speak in person? As convenient as texting may be we need to step it up and start putting in the effort. There's no hearing a persons voice when they say sweet words on text, theres on true way of coming to an agreement during an argument because texts just draw out the fight, and in all cases it allows us to lack of true connection that you get when speaking face to face.
I propose that one should only text when sending your love photos, for short simple things that you wish to say to them such as "Have a good day!", however you should encourage yourself to call your companion once in a while. Tell them sweet words in person, listen to each others feelings in other forms besides text, and reminds yourself that love is not build on texting.